Charles B. Wagner is considered one of the Ontario’s most street savvy estate litigators. He has assisted his clients assertively, aggressively and successfully to set aside wills, remove executors, and appoint statutory guardians. Our Toronto law firm specializes in estate litigation and elder law.
We represent International & Canadian clients who have interests in Ontario Wills & Estates. The cases we handle include:
- Will challenges;
- Removal of executors & compelling the passing of accounts;
- Issues relating to Powers of Attorney;
- Solicitors’ negligence;
- Support Claims.
Charles Wagner is often called upon when vulnerable elderly people are victimized resulting in a loss of an inheritance by disappointed beneficiaries. The reliance on other people often make the elderly especially susceptible into being unduly influenced into making gifts, changing their wills or even marrying caregivers. Our firm specializes in handling these types of will challenges.
We are also often consulted by people whose family member can no longer understand how to take care of their finances or care for their health. In these instances, when people do not have powers of attorney, their family’s only option is to go to court.
Our firm is familiar with the law and procedures to be followed when someone becomes incapable. Under The Substitute Decisions Act we apply to court for the appointment of our client as statutory guardian. With the appointment, the family member now has the legal authority to make decisions for the incapable person who can no longer manage their finances, property or personal care.
Our firm successfully advocates for our clients interests by aggressively prosecuting their claims and defending their positions.
Wagner Sidlofsky LLP are lawyers whose experience speaks to those who need an Estate Litigator.