Canadians are regularly exposed to asbestos where they work, visit or live. The mineral asbestos, mined in Canada, was commonly used as an insulator and fire proofer in buildings and products until the 1970s. Asbestos exposure causes deadly diseases like mesothelioma. There is compensation for Canadians and you do not need to hire a US lawyer to make a claim.
Miskin Law Offices, a national law firm, represents clients in every Province and Territory in making asbestos illness compensation claims. We do not ask for advance fees or financial retainers. We only charge for results. It is not a lawsuit and you do not go to court. Applications go to American funds set up when makers of asbestos products were put into bankruptcy by the many claims against them. We apply for clients, who often get compensation from several sources.
It has been known for years that asbestos exposure is dangerous especially when fibers are inhaled. Asbestos can stay in the lungs for many years without a person knowing it is there. There are serious long-term consequences of asbestos exposure. Asbestos diseases include asbestosis, certain forms of lung cancer and mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer of the lining of the lungs or other organs. Mesothelioma can develop 30-50 years after even just a little exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma was thought to be very rare but it now appears often, both because of the long time it takes to develop and because it was not always diagnosed properly in the past. Mesothelioma can only be caused by asbestos and maximum compensation is available for it. Asbestos diseases affect people who have worked with asbestos, had loose fibers in their workplace (sometimes from or after asbestos removal) and people who have been exposed by family members who come home with asbestos on their bodies or clothes.
If a person is seriously ill or has died from asbestos exposure it can be proven with medical records. Doctors can confirm causation when the diagnosis is made. A biopsy is most effective. To maximize compensation, it helps to know the source of exposure to asbestos to determine which manufacturers were involved and where claims may be placed. Visit our website or contact Miskin Law Offices by email or phone to learn more and have your claim assessed.