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Ardrossan Lawyers

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1. The information on this system is not legal advice.

2. Inc. provides you with immediate access to lawyers and professionals in your area to assist you with your legal issues.

3. Our service is free to you.

4. Lawyers will read your submitted information and will get in touch with you by email or telephone, if they are interested in your case. By providing your contact numbers and address, you will give the lawyer the ability to assess your needs and respond quickly to you.

5. Using this service does not create a lawyer-client relationship, and as such information provided may not necessarily be treated as privileged or confidential.

6. You are under no obligation to hire any lawyer or professional who responds to your submission.

7. Our service is to provide you with an opportunity to communicate with lawyers and professionals quickly to allow you to determine who can best address your needs and issues at a rate that you are comfortable with.

8. The initial response to your submission from the lawyers or other professionals (by way of email or telephone) is at no cost to you. Since lawyers and professionals typically charge for their time, you should ask the lawyer or professional about fees and costs before you book an appointment or consultation. Some of the lawyers may provide free consultations, others may not. Please ensure you ask before you attend for a consultation. If you require legal aid assistance, some of the lawyers on our system accept legal aid certificates, and this requirement should be marked off in your submission.

9. Inc. is not responsible for nor does it guarantee any services provided by the lawyers or other professionals retained as a result of this service.

10. Inc. does not provide legal advice, nor does it specifically recommend any particular lawyer or service.

11. Inc. is not responsible for the services or advice provided by the subscribing lawyers and professionals on our service.

12. All lawyers and professionals on our service have certified to us that they are qualified and licensed practitioners in their respective fields.

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We acknowledge the traditional lands and territories of the Indigenous peoples who have lived on these lands and taken care of them since time immemorial. Inc. is situated on Treaty 7 territory – the traditional and ancestral territory of Siksikaitsitapi – the Blackfoot Confederacy, which includes the Kainai Nation, Piikani Nation, Amskapi Piikani, and the Siksika Nation. Treaty 7 is also home to the Tsuut’ina Nation, the Stoney Nakoda, and is within the historical Northwest Métis Homeland known as the Battle River Territory. We acknowledge and give gratitude to the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit who have lived in and cared for these lands for generations. We acknowledge the Traditional Knowledge Keepers and Elders, both past and present, and are grateful for their contributions that helped keep this land beautiful. We make this acknowledgement as an act of reconciliation.

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